Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I contact BIN?
A. Use the Contact Us webform.
or BIN administrative staff phone: (510) 981-6150.
Q. What is the Berkeley Information Network?
A. It is a resource file of local organizations, agencies, services, non profits, clubs, etc. The BIN has information on museums, disabled services, low-cost legal aid, recycling, schools, emergency dental referrals, parks, summer camps, senior resources, job lines, consumer groups, etc.
Q. Why do you call it BIN?
A. BIN stands for Berkeley Information Network.
Q. How long has the BIN been around?
A. Since 1980.
Q. How big is the BIN?
A. Over 2,000 organizations are in the BIN.
Q. What is included in the BIN?
A. Agencies that are local or unique and serve people who live in Berkeley.
Q. What is not included?
A. Individual therapists, lawyers, doctors, etc, are not included. Businesses are generally not included, except
Q. My group isn't in the BIN. How do I get it in?
A. Contact BIN by email at Contact Us webform, Please include a URL if your organization has a website.*
Q. Can I get help searching BIN by phone?
A. Call the BIN line. 510-981-6166. A library staff member can search the BIN files for you.
Q.What subjects are covered?
A. Bin has over 525 subjects. They can be browsed by first selecting one of 28 major subject headings, then selecting a narrow (minor) subject heading to see all related records. Click here to see the list of major subject headings.
How do I make suggestions?
Please email your suggestions to us using the Contact Us webform, or fill out a suggestion form at the Information Desk on the first floor of the Berkeley Public Library, Central Branch. Responses to suggestions are posted on the Suggestion Bulletin Board in the lobby of the Central Library.
*NOTE: The BIN file of community organizations and services is compiled by the Berkeley Public Library. Inclusion is determined solely by BIN staff. All subject headings and other access points as well as final editing of all information is also solely at the discretion of the BIN staff. The BIN staff is continuously updating BIN records. However, we welcome and rely on our member organizations and patrons to keep us informed of any changes or corrections.